Message from the Dean
Let’s do our best together for a happy future!

NAKAYAMA Yoshihiro
Dean, Faculty of Engineering / Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences
We continue to face unprecedented difficulties, such as the frequent
occurrence of natural disasters caused by heavy rains and strong
winds, the frequent occurrence of large-scale earthquakes in various
parts of Japan even after ten years have passed since the Great East
Japan earthquake, and no end in sight to the infection of the new
coronavirus (COVID-19).
In order to create a society that is full of hope and happiness in
consideration of these circumstances, it is not sufficient to continue
with the conventional ways of thinking and actions. It is important to
acquire basic knowledge and fundamental skills, as well as deepened
insight, creativity, diverse values, and fresh ideas.
By the way, it is clear that the mission of a university is education
and research. In particular, I believe that research activities
related to the graduation thesis in the final year of the education
program are very important.
Our education method shifts from a large class-based education up to
the third year to a small class-based education for graduation theses,
where a few students are assigned to each laboratory and receive
detailed research guidance throughout the year.
The research activities are an irreplaceable educational opportunity
for students and faculty members to think together, worry together,
and overcome various problems in close cooperation. I am confident
that students will acquire the various abilities mentioned above
through a series of research activities related to the graduation
Under our catchphrase, "Engineering education that cares for future
generations," the Faculty of Engineering, University of Yamanashi is
making daily efforts to realize a society that is full of hope and
happiness. Let's do our best together.