Energy Materials Science Course
・Objective of the Course
In this course, our main objectives are to conduct comprehensive education and research in the field of green energy and material science in order to improve global energy and environmental issues. Our course also aims at fostering researchers and engineers who are internationally able to play active part in industry, government and academia.
・Contents of the Course
In order to solve global energy and environmental issues, we teach special subjects concerning creation of new and advanced functional materials, design of electric materials, electronic devices, electronic circuits, and materials for high-efficient energy conversion. The special subjects in this course are comprised of three fields of study: “Materials Chemistry” (e.g., material science, quantum chemistry and crystal chemistry), “Electronic Devices” (e.g., semiconductor engineering and photon engineering), and “Energy Conversion Engineering” (e.g., chemistry for fuel cells and solar energy conversion, and material science for fuel cells and solar energy conversion).
In the Green Energy Conversion Science and Technology Major, unique classes and activities such as
Global Internship, English for Green Energy Science and Technology, and monthly meeting are provided for nurturing global leaders.
・Admission Policy
We seek for individuals who have eagerness for becoming professional engineers or scholars, who are advancing further research and development by exerting their expert knowledge and technology in the various creation of functional materials, developments of new devices and construction of energy system.