
Shintaro Ueno

・Proceedings:  Shintaro Ueno, Hirokazu Utsunomiya, and Shinobu Fujihara, Low-Temperature Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized ZnO Electrodes via Zinc Hydroxide Acetate by Utilizing Liquid Phase, Key Engineering Materials, accepted for publication.

・Proceedings:  Hirokazu Utsunomiya, Shintaro Ueno,  and Shinobu Fujihara, Fabrication of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Films on Plastic Substrates by Pyrolysis Method and Their Application to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Key Engineering Materials, accepted for publication.

 S. Ueno, H. Kawashima, K. Nakashima, N. Kumada, E. Magome, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, Y. Fujikawa, D. Tanaka, M. Furukawa, and S. Wada,Solvothermal Preparation of Potassium Niobate/Barium Titanate Nanocomplex Ceramics with Three Dimensional Network-Configuration of Structure-Gradient Region and Their Dielectric Properties,Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 074103 (2013)

 S. Ueno, H. Utsunomiya, and S. Fujihara,Low-Temperature Fabrication of Dye-Sensitized ZnO Electrodes via Zinc Hydroxide Acetate by Utilizing Liquid Phase,Key Engineering Materials, 582, 202-205 (2014)

・H. Utsunomiya, S. Ueno, and S. Fujihara,Fabrication of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide Films on Plastic Substrates by Pyrolysis Method and Their Application to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,Key Engineering Materials, 582, 206-209 (2014)

・Y. Kimitsuka, E. Hosono, S. Ueno, H. Zhou, and S. Fujihara,Fabrication of Porous Cubic Architecture of ZnO Using Zn-terephthalate MOFs with Characteristic Microstructures,Inorganic Chemistry, 52, 14028-14033 (2013)

S. Ueno, Y. Sakamoto, K. Nakashima, S. Wada,Low-Temperature Fabrication of Titanium Metal / Barium Titanate Composite Capacitors via Hydrothermal Method and Their Dielectric Properties,2014.6,Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 122, 1-5 (2014)

・Y. Hirose, S. Ueno, K. Nakashima, and S. Wada,Fabrication of BaTiO3/BiFeO3 Nano-complex Ceramics by Hydrothermal Method,公開日未定,Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, accepted for publication.


Toshihiro Takashima

T. Takashima, A. Yamaguchi, K. Hashimoto, H. Irie, R. Nakamura,In situ UV-vis Absorption Spectra of Intermediate Species for Oxygen-Evolution Reaction on the Surface of MnO2 in Neutral and Alkaline Media,2014.5,Electrochemistry


Masanori Morise

森勢将雅,村主大輔,馬場隆,片寄晴弘, 「奄美大島民謡風の歌唱デザインを支援するシステム:グインレゾネータ」,情報処理学会論文誌,vol.54, no.4, pp.1244-1253, April 2013.

・堀井圭祐,福森隆寛,森勢将雅,中山雅人,西浦敬信,山下洋一,「雑音下音声受音におけるWeighted反復スペクトル減算法を用いたミュージカルノイズの低減」, 電子情報通信学会 論文誌A,vol.J96-D, no.3, pp.664-674, March 2013.

・D. K. Ninh, M. Morise, and Y. Yamashita, 「A generation error function considering dynamic properties of speech parameters for minimum generation error training for hidden Markov model-based speech synthesis」,Acoust. Sci. & Tech., vol.34, no.2, pp.123-132, March 2013.

・H. Kawahara, M. Morise, R. Nisimura, and T. Irino,Higher order waveform symmetry measure and its application to periodicity detectors for speech and singing with fine temporal resolution,2013.5,Proceeding of ICASSP2014 pp.6797-6801 (CANADA)

M. Morise,An attempt to develop a singing synthesizer by collaborative creation,2013.8, Proceeding of SMAC2013, pp.287-292 (Stockholm)

・H. Kawahara, M. Morise, and K. Sakakibara,Interference-free observation of temporal and spectral features in “shout” singing voices and their perceptual roles,2013.7,Proceeding of SMAC2013, pp. 256-263 (Stockholm)

・H. Kawahara, M. Morise, T. Toda, R. Nisimura, and T. Irino,Beyond bandlimited sampling of speech spectral envelope imposed by the harmonic structure of voiced sounds ,2013.8,Proceeding of INTERSPEECH2013, pp. 34-38 (Lyon)

M. Morise, H. Kawahara, K. Ozawa,Periodicity extraction for voiced sounds with multiple periodicity,2013.8,  Proceeding of INTERSPEECH2013, pp. 1921-1925 (Lyon)

・Y. Nishigaki, K. Sakakibara, M. Morise, R. Nisimura, T. Irino, H. Kawahara,Controlling “shout” expression in a Japanese POP singing performance: analysis and suppression study,2013.8 Proceeding of INTERSPEECH2013, pp. 2905-2909 (Lyon)

・H. Kawahara, M. Morise, H. Banno, and V. G. Skuk,Temporally variable multi-aspect N-way morphing based on interference-free speech representations,2013.10 Proceeding of APSIPA ASC2013, OS.28-SLA.9, 4-page (Kaohsing)



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