第39回 サイエンスカフェ講演会を下記の通り開催いたします。みなさんのご参加をお待ちしております。



講演場所:T1号館8階 サイエンスカフェ

講演会講師:Daniel Bloch 教授

所属:Laboratoire de physique des lasers, CNRS(Centre National de la recherche Scientifique) and Université Paris13

Directeur de recherche de premeiere classe  (director of research -1st class,) or “research Professor”
第1級研究ディレクター(または 研究教授)

Connecting Atoms and Nanophotonics: Spectroscopy of atoms under confinement

  The talk will describe our activities in Laboratoire de physique des lasers at Paris13U.-Sorbonne-Paris-Cité (Villetaneuse campus), which combine the power of high resolution laser spectroscopy of atoms with specific effects associated to a confinement at a sub-wavelength scale.
This should make atomic vapours of interest for the possibilities offered by nanotechnologies. We show that atomic vapours can be confined in micro- or nanocells (thin slice of vapour, and one dimensional confinement), or even to the voids region of an artificial opal of glass
nanospheres, hence realizing a three dimensional confinement. Moreover, in spite of the thermal motion in the atomic vapour, sub-Doppler features are observed even in the frame of linear spectroscopy, which are attributed to transient effects induced by the confinement.

When exploring a distance to a surface smaller than ~100 nm, the fundamental atom-surface interaction (van der Waals electrostatic regime of the Casimir-Polder interaction), which is a signature of vacuum fluctuations, induces shifts and distortions of the atomic lineshapes,
from which this atom-surface interaction can be measured. Our most recent measurements demonstrate a large increase of this interaction with the temperature of the vacuum, owing to a thermal excitation of surface modes, which couple with atomic transitions.